Certified Survey Maps (C.S.M.'s)

Flow Chart
WHEN: A land division within the unincorporated areas of the County, which is not defined as a subdivision, creates one or more parcels within 1,000 feet of any lake or 300 feet from a river or stream, or the landward side of the floodplain, whichever is greater. A subdivision is considered the creation of more than four (4) lots under 1.5 acres in five (5) years, or where more than six (6) parcels of any size are created in five (5) years.
WHY: To determine compliance with the Waukesha County Code of Ordinances, including Appendix D - Shoreland and Floodland Subdivision Control Ordinance, and Article VIII of Chapter 14 - Storm Water Management and Erosion Control, which are available online and in the office of the Waukesha County Clerk.
WHO: The staff of the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use – Planning and Zoning Division is responsible for CSM review. See Staff Who Can Help.
HOW: Applicant must submit a proposed Certified Survey Map to the Planning and Zoning Division Staff for review.
- Three copies of a scaled map and one electronic copy showing access, right-of-way, easements (drainage/utility), topography, environmental corridors, wetlands, all structures, lot dimensions, and other requirements in accordance with the adopted Land Division Review Checklist.
- Soil Boring Information/Preliminary Site Evaluation
- A “Preliminary Storm Water Review Letter” from the Land Resources Division, in accordance with the Waukesha County Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Ordinance.
- Compliance with the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use Land Division Review Checklist.
- Any wetland or Environmental Corridor delineations and verification by the DNR, or the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.
- Fee.
- See Department of Parks and Land Use – Planning and Zoning Division Fee Schedule
- An applicant wishing a variance from the requirements of the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Subdivision Control Ordinance must apply to the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission.
- Any appeal of a decision made by the staff of the Planning and Zoning Division must be made to the Park and Planning Commission within thirty (30) days of the said decision. Staff of the Planning and Zoning Division will assist you with the appeals process.
- An applicant can anticipate action on the Final Certified Survey Map within ninety (90) days of receipt.
- The proposed land division may require access approval/permit from the Waukesha County Public Works Department. Contact the Public Works Department for assistance. See Staff Who Can Help.
- Most Certified Survey Maps will require an approval by the Town Planning Commission and the Town Board to insure compliance with the Town's Land Division Ordinance.
- A land division, which does not abut or front on a public road and lies within the jurisdiction of the Waukesha County Zoning Code and/or the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance, requires Town and County Planning Commission approval.
- An extra territorial review may also be required by a nearby City or Village.
- If the development proposes any public improvements or storm water facilities, a Storm Water Permit may be required by the Land Resources Division, including the recording of a maintenance agreement along with the CSM.
- Other action by the County Park and Planning Commission may be necessary upon review of the Certified Survey Map.