Veterans Services Office
Human Services Center
Address: 514 Riverview Avenue,
Waukesha WI, 53188
Phone: (262) 548-7732
Fax (262) 896-8588
Email: [email protected]
Hours of Operation:
8am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday
Bus service is available through
Waukesha Metro transit.
To provide Waukesha County Veterans and their dependents with a range of benefits and services for which they are eligible, adhering to the highest standards of compassion, commitment, and excellence
It is the mission of the Waukesha County Veterans Services Office to advocate for and provide assistance to all veterans of the U.S. Armed Services and their dependents and survivors. We ensure that clients obtain all available and appropriate benefits for which they are entitled. The Veterans Services staff is committed to act in a courteous, effective, and fiscally responsible manner, maintaining its reputation as one of the top Veterans Service Offices in the State by providing maximum service to its clientele.
When your United States Flag is in such a condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably by burning. You can retire your worn United States Flag properly. It can be placed in the U.S. Flag Box outside the Waukesha County Health & Human Services (HHS) Department building, 514 Riverview Avenue, Waukesha. The Flag Box is located to the right of the main entrance doors. There also is a U.S. Flag Retirement Box inside the Veterans Services Office within the same HHS building. A Veteran’s Post picks up these flags and destroys them in a dignified manner with a Flag Retirement Ceremony. Most American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts in the county provide a U.S. Flag Retirement Box at their buildings for proper retirement of U.S. Flags. PLEASE NOTE: Only United States Flags qualify for this ceremony. Please bring large, oversized flags into the Veterans Services Office for disposal. Contact the Veterans Services Office with questions: 262-548-7732, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. |