Access to County Trunk Highway - Public Road or Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Permit

WHEN: Constructing a new public road intersection, modifying an existing roadway intersection or constructing a new or modified commercial, industrial or institutional driveway on a County Trunk Highway.
WHY: The purpose is to promote the orderly and safe movement of vehicles on the Public Works network with minimum interference to through highway traffic, and to control the use of drainage structures, which may be necessary to preserve the physical structure of the highway. The standards for permitting access are contained in the Waukesha County Code, Chapter 15 – Roads and Bridges, available online and in the office of the Waukesha County Clerk.
WHO: The Waukesha County Public Works Department issues access permits. See Staff Who Can Help Section for the appropriate staff.
HOW: Applicant must submit a completed application and the application fee to the Waukesha County Public Works Department.
- Public Road, Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Driveway Access Permit Application form
- Name, address and phone number of the applicants and the engineer or architects responsible for the design of the roadway
- The location and name of the public road (county highway, municipality, the name of the subdivision and the number of lots)
- Type of development being served by a new subdivision (single family, multi-family, or commercial / industrial)
- Width of the subdivision frontage on the County Trunk Highway and the width of the new public road
- For all developments, a drainage and grading plan to include at least:
- Grading plan of entire development
- Pre/Post developed contribution areas
- Pond calculations
- Storm sewer and culvert pipe calculations for all pipes within the county highway right of way
- Storm water management report
- For developments greater than 100 residential units or 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, a Completed Traffic Impact Analysis
- Intersection plans (proposed intersection with C.T.H.) 1" = 20'
- Reconstruction plans for C.T.H.'s (when necessary or required) 1" = 50' (Min.)
- Cross sections within the work limits 1" = 5' Horizontal
- Related drawings (grading, storm sewer, erosion control, etc. plans) 1" = 2' Vertical 1" = 50' (Min.)
- See Public Works Department Fee Schedule
- Any applicant denied for a permit is entitled to pursue an appeal pursuant to the Waukesha County Code, Chapter 15, Section 57, by contacting the Public Works Department.
- The review of the application and/or plans by the Public Works Department staff is normally completed within ten working days of receiving the application. The plans may be returned to the owner for revision.
- Applicants should always contact Diggers Hotline at 1-800-242-8511 prior to any construction activity.
- It is recommended that a pre-submittal conference be held with the applicant, their engineers, and the Public Works Department engineering staff. The conference will provide a preliminary review of the proposed roadway before formal submittal of an application for access via a public road. See Staff Who Can Help.
- A “Preliminary Storm Water Review Letter” or a Storm Water Permit from the Department of Parks and Land Use – Land Resources Division may be required before an Access Permit will be issued, in accordance with the Waukesha County Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Ordinance. Contact the Land Resources Division for assistance. See Staff Who Can Help