Contact Us
Bus service is available to the ADRC on bus route #9 through Waukesha Metro transit.
Address: 514 Riverview Avenue,
Waukesha WI, 53188
Phone: 262-548-7848
Toll 1-866-677-ADRC
Free: 1-866-677-2372
Fax: 262-896-8273
Email: [email protected]
Contact Us Form
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm
For information outside of regular business hours please call IMPACT 2-1-1 by dialing: 211 or toll free 1-866-211-3380.
ADRC of Waukesha County - Brochure
ADRC del Condado de Waukesha
Equal Opportunity Policy/Directiva de Igualdad de Oportunidad
A Dementia Care Specialist (DCS) is someone who is employed by the ADRC to assist individuals and families living with dementia to remain as active and independent as possible in the community.
The DCS also ensures that ADRC staff are knowledgeable about dementia and prepared to meet the needs of the people they serve in a supportive, helpful manner.
Lastly, the DCS is a catalyst for launching and overseeing Dementia Friendly Communities within Waukesha County.
The Dementia Care Specialist can assist:
Call the ADRC at (262) 548-7848 if you are interested in speaking with the Dementia Care Specialist or learning more about Dementia Care services offered by the ADRC.
Go to the site here: Dementia Challenging Behavior Initiative
A memory screen is a wellness tool that helps identify possible changes in memory and cognition. Early detection is important and treatment is possible. Stay in control of your life. It’s Free and takes only 15 minutes!
• Get immediate results
• Receive information about Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
• Talk with a Dementia Care Specialist about available resources
• Learn about brain health and ways to stimulate your brain
When: TBD
Learn more about Memory Cafes here.
Are you caring for someone who has been diagnosed with a form of dementia prior to the age of 65? Join us for conversations about dementia, caregiver strategies and community resources.
Please register by calling Jennifer Harders (ADRC Dementia Care Specialist) 262-548-7650
Health and Human Services Center
514 Riverview Avenue, Room 113
Waukesha, WI 53188
Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of progressive dementia?
Savvy Caregiver is a proven curriculum developed by Dr. Kenneth Hepburn and colleagues at the University of Minesota. Grounded in research this educational series teaches strategies, practical real-world skills, and helps to reduce stress, both in the caregiver and the person for whom care is being provided. Savvy Caregiver increases the caregiver’s sense of competence, and well-being even though there may be little experience. The course will cover:
Upcoming Classes:
VIRTUAL through Microsoft Teams
(no download required)