Contact Us
Bus service is available to the ADRC on bus route #9 through Waukesha Metro transit.
Address: 514 Riverview Avenue,
Waukesha WI, 53188
Phone: 262-548-7848
Toll 1-866-677-ADRC
Free: 1-866-677-2372
Fax: 262-896-8273
Email: [email protected]
Contact Us Form
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm
For information outside of regular business hours please call IMPACT 2-1-1 by dialing: 211 or toll free 1-866-211-3380.
ADRC of Waukesha County - Brochure
ADRC del Condado de Waukesha
Equal Opportunity Policy/Directiva de Igualdad de Oportunidad
To create a sustainable Dementia Capable Waukesha County we need to engage communities in the support of persons with dementia and their loved one.
What is a Dementia Friendly Community? A community where those with dementia will be enabled to live as independently as possible and continue to be engaged in community life. A dementia friendly community is committed to creating a culture that not only supports, but takes the responsibility for ensuring the beneficial outcomes of services for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. A community that is dementia friendly:
How does a community become Dementia Friendly?
The Dementia Care Specialist from the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) and the Community Outreach Coordinator from the Alzheimer’s Association will assist you in the process of creating a Dementia Friendly Community. Utilizing an existing template, guidance is given in the development of a leadership group, training is provided and ongoing communication is facilitated in the development of the dementia friendly coalition and work-groups. If there is interest in having your community become dementia friendly contact the Dementia Care Specialist at (262) 548-7848.
What are some of the components of a Dementia Friendly Community?
For more information about Demenita Friendly Communities, or to schedule a dementia awareness presentation, dementia friendly business training or memory screen event, please contact: Kathy Glaser Dementia Care Specialist (262) 548-7354 |