Contact Us
Bus service is available to the ADRC on bus route #9 through Waukesha Metro transit.
Address: 514 Riverview Avenue,
Waukesha WI, 53188
Phone: 262-548-7848
Toll 1-866-677-ADRC
Free: 1-866-677-2372
Fax: 262-896-8273
Email: [email protected]
Contact Us Form
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm
For information outside of regular business hours please call IMPACT 2-1-1 by dialing: 211 or toll free 1-866-211-3380.
ADRC of Waukesha County - Brochure
ADRC del Condado de Waukesha
Equal Opportunity Policy/Directiva de Igualdad de Oportunidad
Elder benefit specialists help older adults understand, get, and keep public and private benefits, including health care and programs that help save money. Benefit specialists don’t sell anything and aren’t paid by any companies. Their only aim is to help you identify and apply for programs and health care that will best meet your needs. Elder benefit specialists are certified State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) counselors.
Benefit Programs:
Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP)
Medicaid (Title 19)
BadgerCare for under 65 years of age
SeniorCare (State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program)
Learn how to create a MyMedicare Account (3 minute video)
Learn how to create a Plan Finder Account (15 minute video)
MedicareSavings Programs/Medicare Premium Assistance (QMB, SLMB, SLMB+)
Medigap/Supplemental Insurance Policies
Medicare Appeals
Energy Assistance (WHEAP)
Social Security (such as Extra Help with prescriptions, Retirement, Disability)
Phone Discount (Safelink)
Housing (subsidized, landlord/tenant issues)
Homestead Tax Credit
Identity Theft
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace plans
Legal Action Wisconsin