Waukesha County

Bridges Library System

Time Location Documents
11/20/2024 4:00 PM Brookfield Public Library 1900 N. Calhoun Rd Brookfield, WI 53005 A
10/16/2024 4:00 PM Delafield Public Library500 Genesee Street Delafield, WI 53018 A M
09/18/2024 4:00 PM Mukwonago Community Library 511 Division St Mukwonago, WI 53149 A
09/16/2024 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office 741 N. Grand Avenue #210 Waukesha, WI 53186 A M
08/21/2024 4:00 PM Johnson Creek Public Library 125 Lincoln Street Johnson Creek, WI 53038 A M
07/17/2024 4:00 PM Dwight Foster Public Library 209 Merchants Avenue Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 A M
06/19/2024 4:00 PM L.D. Fargo Public Library120 E. Madison StLake Mills, WI 53551 A M
05/15/2024 4:00 PM New Berlin Public Library15105 Library LaneNew Berlin, WI 53151Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82953075416?pwd=YWJ2KzduNVgyL3pUbWdaSlVtWXEvUT09Meeting ID: 829 5307 5416Passcode: wG2KwT27Dial by your location: 312-626-6799Meeting ID: 829 5307 5416Passcode: 46213456 A M
04/17/2024 4:00 PM Irvin L. Young Memorial Library 431 W. Center St.Whitewater, WI 53190 Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81053568963?pwd=UVpSbDNQNjJOdU8xeXhZOFlPWENYQT09 Meeting ID: 810 5356 8963Passcode: 19iFAcPzDial by your location: 312-626-6799Meeting ID: 810 5356 8963Passcode: 27482672 A M
03/20/2024 4:00 PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84228866328?pwd=ekxGYnRrSzBqSnozYmlrUjErYUZydz09 Meeting ID: 842 2886 6328Passcode: SJC31gdp A M
02/21/2024 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office 741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82385350417?pwd=bHZmcmxxZ3UxVUFRSmZqNlhLV1FBZz09 Meeting ID: 823 8535 0417 Passcode: MYxspt3a A M
01/17/2024 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office 741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210Waukesha, WI 53186 Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83359647735?pwd=d21mNWVjY3diNE4vbUZKNzFvMkxQZz09Meeting ID: 833 5964 7735 Passcode: e3T6uTPP A M
12/20/2023 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office741 N. Grand Avenue #210 Waukesha, WI 53186 Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83418083805?pwd=aGtkRm1iMmZ6eFFod3Q2bFUrdnJydz09Meeting ID: 834 1808 3805 Passcode: pJR1PF9f A M
11/15/2023 4:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library 210 Main Street Pewaukee, WI 53029 Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89702029479?pwd=VXp4VlB6YW9BbktXdGd1cGs4blBYQT09Meeting ID: 897 0202 9479Passcode: pq8gyTRFDial by your location: 312 626 6799Meeting ID: 897 0202 9479Passcode: 51452231 A M
11/09/2023 2:00 PM Waukesha Public Library321 Wisconsin AvenueWaukesha, WI 53186 Or Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88587547096?pwd=Yy80bmlxdzZKdE9qL2ZDWWx2dW54UT09 Meeting ID: 885 8754 7096 Passcode: 1bSL9BJCOR Dial by your location:(312) 626 6799; Meeting ID: 885 8754 7096 Passcode: 48092339 A
10/18/2023 4:00 PM Menomonee Falls Public Library  W156N8436 Pilgrim Rd.  Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 or Join Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88312353665?pwd=RTVCdzRhOUlMZnBHVCtKRytSZHA2QT09  Meeting ID: 883 1235 3665  Passcode: p9JbVYqv312-626-6799 A M
09/28/2023 6:00 PM Watertown Public Library 100 S. Water St. Watertown, WI 53094 A
09/20/2023 4:00 PM Alice Baker Memorial Library820 E. Main St. Eagle, WI 53119 or Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81507247777?pwd=c3RteUpWOUFBK0ZCSGNsU2tZSDVvdz09  Meeting ID: 815 0724 7777  Passcode: qY14hvu2  (312) 626 6799 US (Chicago) A M
09/13/2023 11:00 AM Bridges Library System Office741 N. Grand Avenue #210Waukesha, WI 53186 Or Virtually via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81903867107?pwd=QjZlc05TMjN4czNyYTBsRFhkYzJWUT09 Meeting ID: 819 0386 7107 Passcode: TPPfbzk4 (312) 626 6799 Meeting ID: 819 0386 7107 Passcode: 63653069 A
08/16/2023 4:00 PM Brookfield Public Library1900 N. Calhoun Rd.Brookfield, WI 53005  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89508710558?pwd=cmQ1bFRteFQzL21LZnhQd0taMGhHQT09Meeting ID: 895 0871 0558Passcode: NL4wYb2b312 626 6799 US (Chicago) A M
07/19/2023 4:00 PM Jefferson Public Library321 S. Main St. Jefferson, WI 53549 or via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84897567058?pwd=cWxzS3BhZHJEQ05Sd0daRXFtM2VrUT09  Meeting ID: 848 9756 7058  Passcode: C1zVxUsV312 626 6799 US (Chicago) - AMENDED A M
06/21/2023 4:00 PM Hartland Public Library  110 E. Park Ave. Hartland, WI 53029 or join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88402753253?pwd=K0ZLejNGRXYvd3JJUzAxOUszWWQ2UT09  Meeting ID: 884 0275 3253  Passcode: 5YVPhFcX A M
05/17/2023 4:00 PM Muskego Public Library S73W16663 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 or Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83965988402?pwd=TG5rNFdtQ1RoUkhXdjBkbUk3eG9HUT09 Meeting ID: 839 6598 8402 Passcode: h5kKKbNj A M
04/19/2023 4:00 PM Karl Junginger Memorial Library 625 N. Monroe St. Waterloo, WI 53594 or Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85203440619?pwd=UFRReWZoWUloTzRkODhvNFFMbDIydz09  Meeting ID: 852 0344 0619  Passcode: NMMG3ikaOr+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)  Meeting ID: 852 0344 0619  Passcode: 23495378 A M
03/15/2023 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 or join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89156861927?pwd=UU14SkpXRTVNZURFdy9zYTM3dDkxQT09 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 891 5686 1927 Passcode: SSi3bdPA A M
02/15/2023 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 or join Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86879758962?pwd=M0x1aUZLTlZtVHZSZnpqczR3S0kwZz09 Meeting ID: 868 7975 8962 Passcode: KfLA6dCP A M
01/18/2023 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 or join Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89660743064?pwd=aHNUYloxM2szdEhDNlB6RE93VkxNZz09Meeting ID: 896 6074 3064 Passcode: xMk8ECSn A M
12/21/2022 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office - 741 N. Grand Avenue #210 Waukesha, WI 53186 or Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82210806907?pwd=KzNMYkJaWHZMTW1Mb3RERmw1Y0dsUT09 Meeting ID: 822 1080 6907 Passcode: B6NLrwfG or Dial by your location (312) 626 6799; Meeting ID: 822 1080 6907; Passcode: 07865116 A M
12/08/2022 4:00 PM Via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84709989786?pwd=OU0rRzNXcy9HTGFNZGFXVEZ6SXFQZz09  Meeting ID: 847 0998 9786  Passcode: 4MgfTckQ A
11/16/2022 4:00 PM Mukwonago Community Library 511 Division St. Mukwonago, WI 53149 or virtually via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86439495497?pwd=R3hkOXpneVQrU1hSNElOLzV1T0VQdz09  Meeting ID: 864 3949 5497Passcode: uMwfLdu5 A M
11/10/2022 4:00 PM Waukesha Public Library  321 Wisconsin Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186 A
10/19/2022 4:00 PM Dwight Foster Public Library 209 Merchants Ave - Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 A M
10/13/2022 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office 741 N Grand Ave # 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 A M
10/04/2022 6:00 PM Waukesha Public Library 321 W. Wisconsin Ave. Waukesha, WI 53186 TRUSTEE APPRECIATION EVENT A
09/21/2022 4:00 PM Waukesha Public Library   321 West Wisconsin Avenue, Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
08/17/2022 4:00 PM Delafield Public Library   500 Genesee Street   Delafield, WI  53018 A M
07/12/2022 4:00 PM New Berlin Public Library 15105 Library Lane,  New Berlin, WI  53151 A M
06/15/2022 4:00 PM Watertown Public Library  100 South Water Street., Watertown, WI  53094 A M
05/18/2022 4:00 PM Oconomowoc Public Library   200 West South Street, Oconomowoc, WI  53066 A M
05/06/2022 9:00 AM Watertown Public Library  100 South Water Street, Watertown, WI  53094   -   Strategic Planning Retreat  - A
04/20/2022 4:00 PM join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87923222236?pwd=UmJRdVRHL085Qm9rdE1JUk9Db0YyZz09   Meeting ID:  879 2322 2236  Passcode: uX320ZRu  or Dial by your location (312) 626 6799; Meeting ID: 879 2322 2236; Passcode: 20294297 A M
03/16/2022 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office, 741 N. Grand Ave., Ste 210, Waukesha, WI A M
02/17/2022 4:00 PM Waukesha County Library Planning/Act 150 Committee  PUBLIC HEARING and Meeting Agenda    Brookfield Public Library 1900 North Calhoun Road.  Brookfield, WI  53005 A
02/16/2022 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office   741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210  Waukesh, WI  53186 A M
01/19/2022 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office   741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210   Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
12/15/2021 12:00 AM Bridges Library System Office   741 North Grand Avenue #210   Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
12/13/2021 10:00 AM Join Zoom Meeting   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89500493461?pwd=d244NUc5dW9IUmlrRk9uWC94L3RaQT09   Meeting ID:   895 0049 3461   Passcode:  0xigc7Gs  or Dial by your location:  1-312-626-6799, meeting ID:  895 0049 3461, passcode:  55456102 A M
11/22/2021 4:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library  210 Main Street   Pewaukee, WI  53029 A M
11/15/2021 4:00 PM Waukesha Public Library    321 Wisconsin Avenue    Waukesha, WI 53186 A M
11/10/2021 10:00 PM Oconomowoc Public Library,  200 West South Street, Oconomowoc, WI  53066 A M
10/20/2021 4:00 PM Hartland Public Library   110 East Park Avenue   Hartland, WI  53029 A M
10/11/2021 4:00 PM Hartland Public Library, 110 E. Park Avenue, Hartland, WI 53029 A M
09/20/2021 4:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library   210 Main Street,  Pewaukee, WI  53072  or virtually by ZOOM by dialing: 1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 836 6310 6799  ACT 150 COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA A M
09/15/2021 4:00 PM Delafield Public Library   500 Genesee Street,  Delafield, WI  53018 A M
09/08/2021 2:00 PM Bridges Library System Office,  741 North Grand Avenue  #210  Waukesha, WI  53186 A
08/30/2021 4:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library  210 Main Street, Pewaukee, WI  53072 A M
08/18/2021 4:00 AM Join via Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89715494054?pwd=UkJtSXcxNXdVaUZieEhCQUU2c3NFUT09 A M
08/09/2021 4:00 AM Pewaukee Public Library  210 Main Street,  Pewaukee, WI  53072 A M
07/21/2021 4:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library  210 Main Street, Pewaukee, WI  53072 A M
07/19/2021 4:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library  210 Main Street  Pewaukee, WI  53072 A M
06/16/2021 4:00 PM Mukwonago Community Library,  511 Division Street, Mukwonago, WI  53149 A M
05/19/2021 4:00 PM Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6096419580?pwd=ck5nTXdkOFc5TUNadHR3SWV5OEhBUT09   Via phone Call in: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 609 641 9580 Passcode: BridgesLS A M
04/21/2021 4:00 PM Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6096419580 A M
03/17/2021 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office, 741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 - Also Meeting via Zoom.us at the following link: https//us02web.zoom.us/j/6096419580?pwd=MG5tU2ltOVA0YjRSYjhOeEZBM09Qdz09 via phone: Call in: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 609 641 9580 Passcode: 940587 A M
02/17/2021 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office, 741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186  - Also Meeting via Zoom.us   at the following link: https//us02web.zoom.us/j/6096419580?pwd=MG5tU2ltOVA0YjRSYjhOeEZBM09Qdz09 via phone: Call in: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 609 641 9580 Passcode: 940587 A M
01/20/2021 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office,  741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210  Waukesha, WI  53186  Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link:  https//us02web.zoom.us/j/6096419580?pwd=MG5tU2ltOVA0YjRSYjhOeEZBM09Qdz09  via phone:  Call in: 1-312-626-6799   Meeting ID:  609 641 9580  Passcode:  940587 A M
12/16/2020 4:00 PM Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/234152710?pwd=S0o0ZG8ybjk3cU9kQWNsV2ETTdJZz09 Via phone call- in: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 234 152 710 Passcode: 451871 A M
11/18/2020 4:00 PM Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/234152710?pwd=S0o0ZG8ybjk3cU9kQWNsV2ETTdJZz09  Via phone call- in: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID:  234 152 710 Passcode:  038601 A M
10/21/2020 4:00 PM Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/192840844?pwd=TRBV01RYkd2VEQxWnnlDcndWbEhYQT09 Via phone-Call in: 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 548 579 301   Passcode: 903333 A M
09/16/2020 4:00 PM Meeting via Zoom.us at the following meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/192840844?pwd=TRBV01RYkd2VEQxWnnlDcndWbEhYQT09  Via phone-Call in:  1-312-626-6799  Meeting ID:  192 840 844 A M
08/19/2020 4:00 PM Meeting available on Zoom.us at the following meeting number   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/845762513?pwd=a3BrWkkyRjQ1cEp4ZWkrWUREeGxQuT09 A M
07/15/2020 4:00 PM Meeting available on Zoom.us at the following meeting number:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/420979939?   Via phone call:1-312-626-6799  Meeting id# 420-979-939 A M
06/17/2020 4:00 PM Meeting available on Zoom.us.  Go to:  https://zoom.us/j/985513620  via phone:  call in:1-312-626-6799  Meeting ID:  985 513 620 A M
05/20/2020 4:00 PM Meeting available on Zoom.us at the following meeting number: https://zoom.us/j/687041651   Via phone -  Call-in: 1-312-626-6799   Meeting id:  687 041 651 A M
03/18/2020 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office    741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210, Waukesha, WI  53186 REVISED A M
02/19/2020 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office    741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210    Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
02/12/2020 4:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building,  515 West Moreland Boulevard, Rm. 155,  Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
02/03/2020 10:30 AM Waukesha County Administration Center, 515 West Moreland Blvd., Room 355, Waukesha, WI  53188 A
01/23/2020 10:30 AM Waukesha County Administration Center            515 West Moreland Blvd.,  Room 355          Waukesha, WI  53188 A
01/22/2020 11:30 AM Waukesha County Administration Center             515 West Moreland Blvd.          Room 355         Waukesha, WI  53188 A
01/15/2020 4:00 PM Bridges Library System Office                      741 North Grand Avenue, Suite 210                  Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
01/06/2020 1:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building  515 West Moreland Blvd., Rm. 355  Waukesha, WI  53188 A
12/16/2019 6:00 PM Bridges Library System 741 North Grand Avenue, #210, Waukesha, WI 53186 A M
12/16/2019 3:30 PM Bridges Library System 741 North Grand Avenue, #210, Waukesha, WI 53186 A M
11/19/2019 6:00 PM Bridges Library System  741 North Grand Avenue, #210, Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
11/06/2019 11:00 AM Bridges Library System, 741 North Grand Avenue, #210 Waukesha, WI  53186 A M
10/23/2019 6:00 PM Watertown Public Library, 100 South Water Street, Watertown, WI  53094 A M
09/17/2019 6:00 PM Oconomowoc Public Library, 200 West South Street, Oconomowoc, WI  53066 A M
08/20/2019 6:00 PM Johnson Creek Public Library, 125 Lincoln Street, Johnson Creek, WI  53038 A M
07/16/2019 6:00 PM Johnson Creek Public Library, 125 Lincoln Street, Johnson Creek, WI  53038 A M
06/18/2019 6:00 PM Delafield Public Library, 500 North Genesee Street, Delafield, WI  53018  REVISED A M
05/21/2019 6:00 PM Dwight Foster Public Library 209 Merchants Avenue, Fort Atkinson, WI  53538 A M
04/16/2019 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office,110 East Park Avenue, Waukesha WI A M
03/19/2019 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
02/19/2019 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
01/15/2019 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
01/10/2019 1:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
12/17/2018 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
11/20/2018 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
10/16/2018 6:00 PM Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, 431 W. Center Street, Whitewater, WI 53190 A M
09/18/2018 6:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse, 515 West Moreland Blvd. - Room AC130, Waukesha, WI A M
08/21/2018 6:00 PM CANCELLED
07/17/2018 6:00 PM Delafield Public Library  500 Genesee Street, Delafield, WI  53018 A M
06/19/2018 6:00 PM Karl Junginger Memorial Library  625 Monroe Street, Waterloo, WI  53594 A M
05/15/2018 6:00 PM Jefferson Public Library, 321 S. Main Street, Jefferson, WI  53549 A M
04/19/2018 9:00 AM New Berlin Public Library, 15105 W. Library Lane, New Berlin WI - Strategic Planning Retreat/Public Meeting A M
04/16/2018 6:00 PM Hartland Public Library, 110 E. Park Avenue, Hartland, WI A M
03/20/2018 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 201, Waukesha WI A M
02/20/2018 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 201, Waukesha WI A M
01/16/2018 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Avenue - Suite 201, Waukesha  WI A M
12/18/2017 6:00 PM Bridges Library System, 741 N. Grand Avenue, #210, Waukesha WI A M
11/21/2017 6:00 PM Bridges Library System, 741 N. Grand Avenue - #210, Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
10/31/2017 6:00 PM Bridges Library Systems Office, 741 N. Grand Ave. - Suite 210, Waukesha WI A M
10/17/2017 6:00 PM CANCELLED -- Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, 431 W. Center Street, Whitewater, WI  53190
09/19/2017 6:00 PM Delafield Public Library, 500 Genesee Street, Delafield, WI A M
08/15/2017 6:00 PM Mukwonago Community Library M
01/01/0001 12:00 AM Meeting available on Zoom.us at the following meeting number:  https://zoom.us/j/316197691 A M
08/15/2017 6:00 PM Mukwonago Community Library 511 Division Street Mukwonago, WI 53149 A          
07/18/2017 6:00 PM Oconomowoc Public Library 200 W. South Street Oconomowoc, WI 53066 A M        
06/20/2017 6:00 PM L. D. Fargo Public Library 120 E. Madison Street Lake Mills, WI 53551 A M        
05/16/2017 6:00 PM Hartland Public Library 110 E. Park Avenue Hartland, WI 53029 A M        
04/18/2017 6:00 PM Pauline Haas Public Library N64 W23820 Main Street Sussex, WI 53089 A M        
03/30/2017 5:00 PM R1 Hartland Public Library 110 E. Park Street Hartland, WI 53029 A          
03/21/2017 6:00 PM Bridges Library System Office 741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 A M        
02/21/2017 6:00 PM Bridges Library System Office 741 N. Grand Avenue, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 A M        
01/19/2017 5:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library(Waukesha County Library Planning/ ACT 150 Committee Meeting Notice) A          
01/17/2017 6:00 PM 741 N Grand Ave., Suite 210, Waukesha A M        
12/19/2016 6:00 PM 741 N Grand Ave., Suite 210, Waukesha A M        
12/08/2016 5:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library(Waukesha County Library Planning/ ACT 150 Committee Meeting Notice) A          
11/15/2016 6:00 PM 741 N Grand Ave., Suite 210, Waukesha A          
11/03/2016 5:00 PM Waukesha Public Library, 321 W Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha WI 53186 A          
10/18/2016 6:00 PM Dwight Foster Public Library- 209 Merchants Ave Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 A          
10/06/2016 5:30 PM Pewaukee Public Library(Waukesha County Library Planning/ ACT 150 Committee Meeting Notice) A          
09/20/2016 6:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library A          
09/15/2016 5:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library(Waukesha County Library Planning/ ACT 150 Committee Meeting Notice) A          
08/25/2016 5:00 PM Pewaukee Public Library(Waukesha County Library Planning/ ACT 150 Committee Meeting Notice) A          
08/16/2016 6:00 PM Oconomowoc Public Library A          
08/04/2016 5:00 PM New Berlin Public Library A          
07/19/2016 6:00 PM Jefferson Public Library, 321 S Main St., Jefferson A          
06/21/2016 6:00 PM Watertown Public Library - 100 S. Water Street Watertown, WI 53094 A          

For older items, please contact the County Clerk's office

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