Waukesha County

Civil Fees

Filing Fees

Appeal from Municipal Court On the record or by certiorari $ 129.50
Appeal from Municipal Court New trial requested (jury fee not included) $ 144.50
Change of Venue-Large Claim Transmittal fee not included $ 75.00
Change of Venue-Small Claim Transmittal fee not included $ 22.00
Change of Venue Transmittal Basic postage included, additional postage fees may apply $ 20.00
Condemnation Appeals   $ 129.50
Condemnation Appeal New Trial   $ 144.50
Foreclosure   $ 265.50
Foreign Judgment Includes $5.00 docket fee $ 20.00
Garnishment Amount due $10,000 or less $ 92.50
Garnishment Amount due more than $10,000 $ 210.50
Large Claim Action equal to or less than $10,000 $ 147.50
Large Claim Action over $10,000 $ 265.50
Large Claim No dollar amount claimed: name change, declaratory judgment, writs, heabeas corpus, minor settlements, vital statistics (amendments& delayed registrations) $ 164.50
Lien Any dollar amount $ 5.00
Minor Settlements Petition to approve minor settlement $ 164.50
Name Change   $ 164.50
Occupational Driver's License Petition Habitual traffic offenders and appeals from DMV only $ 40.00
Small Claim Action equal to or less than $10,000 $ 94.50
Small Claim Counterclaim Action over $10,000 $ 125.50
Small Claim Demand for Jury Trial Includes 6-person Jury fee $ 89.00
Temporary Restraining Orders & Injuctions Domestic abuse, child abuse vulnerable adult, harassment under specific circumstances

No Fee

Temporary Restraining Orders & Injunctions Other injunctions/restraining orders $ 164.50
Third Party Complaint No dollar amount claimed $ 134.50
Third Party Complaint Action equal to or less than $10,000 $ 117.50
Third Party Complaint Action over $10,000 $ 235.50
Vital Statistics Amendments after one year and delayed registration $ 164.50
Wage Earner Action Voluntary debt proceeding $ 31.50
Warrants Filing and docketing tax warrants, satisfaction, voidance or withdrawal $ 5.00

Other Fees

Arbitration Compel, Confirm, Modify, vacate an arbitrator's award (not regarding real property) $ 164.50
Arbitration Small claim regarding purchase of real property $ 94.50
Writ To issue $ 5.00
Name Change Packets - all Name Change Packets are free if obtained online here
Name Change for Minor Child Under 14 $ 10.00
Name Change for Minor Child Under 14 - Confidential $ 5.00
Name Change for Adult or Minor Over 14 $ 10.00
Name Change for Adult or Minor Over 14 - Confidential $ 10.00
Small Claims Packets - all Small Claims Packets are free if obtained online here
Money/Replevin Small Claims $ 10.00
Eviction $ 10.00
Service Guide $ 5.00

General Fees

Filing Fees
Appeal to the Court of Appeals (Please make check payble to the "Wisconsin Court of Appeals" 195.00
Appeal Transmittal Fee (Includes basic postage) 20.00
Docket Fee To docket judgments, transcripts of judgment, liens, warrants, awards, satisfactions, and assignments 5.00
Transcript of Judgment To file and docket 10.00
Other Fees
Certificate of Judgment To issue (plus per page copy fee) 5.00
Certified Copy Plus per page copy fee (except Probate) 5.00
Certified Copy Plus per page fee (Probate) 3.00
Copy Fee Per page cost  (except Probate) 1.25
Copy Fee Per page cost (Probate) 1.00
Execution Fee To issue 5.00
Exemplified Copies (Triple Seal) Plus per page fee (except Probate)         15.00
Jury Fee - 12 Person   72.00
Jury Fee - 6 Person   36.00
Record Search Per name searched (except Probate) 5.00
Record Search Per name searched (Probate) 4.00
Satisfaction of Judgment/Lien Fee Per judgment 5.00
Related Sheriff's Department Fees
Process Service 3 Attempts 60.00

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