Waukesha County

Family Fees

Filing Fees
Change of Venue With request for support or maintenance, not including transmittal fee 105.00
Change of Venue No request for support or maintenance, not including transmittal fee 95.00
Change of Venue Transmittal Basic postage included, additional postage fees may apply 20.00
Contempt Any No Fee
Divorce/Legal Separation/Annulment With no request for support or maintenance 184.50
Divorce/Legal Separation/Annulment With request for support or maintenance 194.50
Modify a Court Order or Judgment Change Legal Custody/Physical Placement of a Child 50.00
Modify a Court Order or Judgment Changes excluding Legal Custody/Physical Placement 30.00
Out of County Judgment File/enforce/register, additional modification fees may apply 5.00
Out of State Judgment File/enforce/register, additional modification fees may apply 15.00
Paternity Acknowledgement of Paternity 184.50
Paternity Commence action by private party 184.50
Paternity With request for child support 194.50
Stipulation to Modify a Court Order Or Judgment Any No Fee
Grandparent and Third Party Visitation

New Action

Filed into existing Family Case (Pre-Judgment)

Filed into existing Family Case (Post-Judgment)


No Fee


Other Fees
Guardian ad Litem Deposit (minimum) 2,000.00
Family Division Packet Fees (All packets are free if obtained on-line)

Packets (Pre-Judgment)

Conversion of Legal Separation to Divorce   10.00
Divorce   20.00
Suspension and Dismissal   10.00
Visitation Rights of Other Persons   10.00

Packets (Post-Judgment)

Contempt   10.00
Modification   10.00
Post-Judgment Contempt/Modification Packet   20.00
Petition to Enforce Physical Placement   10.00
Request for Court Ordered Mediation   10.00
Request for De Novo Hearing   10.00
Stipulation and Order to Change Court Order/Judgment   10.00
Subpoena and Certificate of Service   10.00
Other Materials
Basic Guide to Divorce/Legal Separation   20.00
Copies (per page):  Not from case file, prior to filing .25
Envelope Stamped/Unstamped 1.00
Procedural Checklists       All types of matters 5.00
State Standard Family Court Forms Individually requested


No Fee
Tips for Representing Yourself in Family Court   No Fee
Family Court Services Fees
Mediation 1st session No Fee
Mediation All sessions after initial free session 200.00
Court Ordered Legal Custody/Physical Placement Study Each study 2,000.00
Helping Children Cope With Divorce Seminar Each party 60.00



General Fees

Filing Fees
Appeal to the Court of Appeals (Please make check payble to the "Wisconsin Court of Appeals" 195.00
Appeal Transmittal Fee (Includes basic postage) 20.00
Docket Fee To docket judgments, transcripts of judgment, liens, warrants, awards, satisfactions, and assignments 5.00
Transcript of Judgment To file and docket 10.00
Other Fees
Certificate of Judgment To issue (plus per page copy fee) 5.00
Certified Copy Plus per page copy fee (except Probate) 5.00
Certified Copy Plus per page fee (Probate) 3.00
Copy Fee Per page cost  (except Probate) 1.25
Copy Fee Per page cost (Probate) 1.00
Execution Fee To issue 5.00
Exemplified Copies (Triple Seal) Plus per page fee (except Probate)         15.00
Jury Fee - 12 Person   72.00
Jury Fee - 6 Person   36.00
Record Search Per name searched (except Probate) 5.00
Record Search Per name searched (Probate) 4.00
Satisfaction of Judgment/Lien Fee Per judgment 5.00
Related Sheriff's Department Fees
Process Service 3 Attempts 60.00

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