Waukesha County Drug Task Force
Captain Kasta Lieutenant Loftus |
The Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Unit (Metro) was formed in 1985 when the Sheriff and Waukesha County chiefs of police recognized a cooperative effort in fighting drugs and drug dealing was best for the community. The Waukesha County Sheriff's Department has administered the program since its inception. Metro also works closely with many local, state and federal agencies.
Drug threats to Waukesha County continually change throughout the years. Several years ago, marijuana and cocaine were the most consistently seized narcotics in the county. Today the most prevalent threat to our quality of life is the combination of synthetic opiates, such as Oxycontin, and heroin. Oxycontin, a legitimate controlled pharmaceutical painkiller, is often stolen or diverted and consumed. Those individuals who like the effect of this drug often switch to heroin, which is much less expensive.