Land & Water Conservation - Water Quality
I want to...
Your Actions Matter for our Lakes and Rivers
What can we do?
- Wash the car on the lawn or at a car wash - not in the driveway.
- Pick up after your dog and dispose of the waste.
- Sweep grass clippings off the driveway, sidewalk, curb or other paved areas. Do not sweep them down the storm drain.
- Keep leaves out of the street and gutter area.
- Limit chemcial and fertilizer use. Test your soil so you know exact amounts of nutrients needed.
- Sweep fertilizers off the driveway, sidewalk, curb or other paved areas. Sweep them back into your yard.
- Direct downspouts to the lawn instead of the driveway.
- Add a rain barrel (or two) to capture runoff.
- Install a rain garden to soak roof runoff into the ground.