Waukesha County

Criminal Justice Collaborating Council Victim Rights Committee

Time Location Documents
10/07/2024 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255 A
06/24/2024 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255 A
04/08/2024 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255 A
02/05/2024 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255 A M
11/07/2023 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255, 515 West Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
08/01/2023 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255, 515 West Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
02/07/2023 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255, 515 West Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI 53188 A
08/02/2022 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building  515 West Moreland Blvd., Room A255  Waukesha, WI  53188 A
05/23/2022 3:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building,  515 West Moreland Blvd., G55, Waukesha, WI  53188 A
05/03/2022 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building   515 West Moreland Blvd., Room A255, Waukesha, WI  53188  CANCELLED A
02/01/2022 12:15 PM Waukesha County Administration Building   515 West Moreland Blvd., Room A255,   Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
11/15/2021 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building   515 West Bluemound Road,  Room A255  Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
07/26/2021 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building,  515 West Moreland Blvd., Room A255, Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
06/07/2021 12:00 PM Zoom Meeting - Interested members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via ZOOM. to join the meeting click on the following: https://wicourts.zoom.us/j/94541113334 Meeting ID: 945 4111 3334 A M
03/22/2021 12:00 PM Zoom Meeting - Interested members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via ZOOM. to join the meeting click on the following: https://wicourts.zoom.us/j/94541113334 Meeting ID: 945 4111 3334 A
01/25/2021 12:00 PM Zoom Meeting  -   Interested members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via ZOOM. to join the meeting click on the following: https://wicourts.zoom.us/j/94541113334   Meeting ID: 945 4111 3334 A M
10/26/2020 12:00 PM Interested members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via ZOOM.  to join the meeting click on the following:  https://wicourts.zoom.us/j/9143877174?pwd=Yk5LTG13bGF4Ynd1ZUhJTjFjVmpkUT09  Meeting ID:  914 3877 1714  Passcode:  218783 A M
08/24/2020 12:00 PM Members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via Teams. To join, click on the following link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting, 414-435-2078 Conference ID:  327 435 269# A M
07/10/2020 12:00 PM Members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via Teams.  To join, click on the following link:  Join Microsoft Teams Meeting,  414-435-2078  Conference ID: 401 921 855# A M
06/12/2020 2:00 PM Members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via Zoom.  To join the meeting, click on the following link:  Https://zoom.us/j/94665198834?pwd=d0hDNFg5TU9GZ1IvbmJaZm1tYU5SQT09  Meeting ID:  946 6519 8834  Password:  530438 A M
05/26/2020 2:00 PM Zoom Meeting:  Members of the public are encouraged to participate.  To join the meeting, click on the following link:  https://zoom.us/j/97084187556?pwd=U09WQ25HeHhCaFAwdkRhVGU3cEN4QT09     Meeting ID:  970 8418 7556   Password:  196724 A M
05/13/2020 2:00 PM Zoom Meeting*  https://zoom.us/j/98131721276?pwd=T1BTL0w3K25tUTRuZ1F5N1JzZ3VMZz09  Meeting ID:  981 3172 1276  Password:  505825  *Members of the public are encouraged to participate in the meeting via zoom.  Click on the link above. A M
05/08/2020 2:00 PM Zoom Meeting*       https://zoom.us/j/91928690260?pwd=U3dDvjN3eTglaHF3RU1JemwyME4dz09 A M
02/24/2020 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building,  515 West Moreland Blvd.  Room A255, Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
12/17/2019 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, 515 West Moreland Blvd., Room A155, Waukesha, WI 53188 A
11/25/2019 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, 515 West Moreland Blvd., Room A255, Waukesha, WI  53188  CANCELLED! A
08/26/2019 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188 A
06/24/2019 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188  REVISED A M
04/29/2019 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
02/25/2019 12:00 AM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
01/28/2019 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188    CANCELLED A
11/26/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
10/29/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
10/01/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg. 515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI 53188 A M
08/06/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Bldg.   515 West Moreland Blvd, Room A255, Waukesha, WI  53188 A M
07/09/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255,  Waukesha, WI A M
05/14/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Center - Room A255, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
03/19/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Center - Room A255, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
02/19/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Center - Room A255, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
01/22/2018 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Center - Room G55, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
10/30/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building - Room A-255, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
10/09/2017 1:30 PM Waukesha County Administration Building - Room A255, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
09/18/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255, 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha WI A M
08/07/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County M
08/07/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A255 A          
07/18/2017 12:00 PM R1 CANCELLED A          
06/27/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A355 A M        
06/06/2017 7:30 AM Waukesha County Administration Building , Room A255 A M        
05/16/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Administration Building, Room A355 A M        
04/19/2017 3:00 PM Cancelled A          
04/03/2017 12:00 PM R1 Meeting Canceled            
03/20/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse- Room C179 A M        
02/06/2017 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
01/11/2017 12:00 PM Adminstration Building, Room A255 A          
12/05/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A          
11/21/2016 12:00 PM R1 Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
11/07/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
10/24/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
10/10/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
09/26/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
09/14/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 A M        
08/29/2016 12:00 PM Waukesha County Courthouse - Room C-179 (CANCELLED) A          
06/24/2016 12:00 PM Courthouse, Room C179 A M        
06/17/2016 12:00 PM Adminstration Building, Room G55 A M        

For older items, please contact the County Clerk's office

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