Waukesha County


Arbor Day Volunteer Tree Planting

Friday, April 25
10:30 am - Noon
Naga-Waukee Park

Plant trees with Waukesha County Parks and Johnson's Nursery, Inc. by joining this annual volunteer tradition!

Celebrate Arbor Day and make a difference in your community by planting native trees to enhance and preserve our natural areas. Together our actions go further. 

Online registration is required.

Volunteers and staff will be planting native trees from Johnson’s Nursery and seedlings from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Nursery. Free Park Entrance for those participating! Enter park and follow signs. Event will be held rain or shine. Dress for weather conditions, wear boots, and bring your own work gloves.



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Waukesha County Park System
515 W. Moreland Blvd • AC 230
Waukesha WI 53188 (map)

Hours M-F • 8 am - 4:30 pm* (closed holidays)
Visit us in person in room AC 260
*Rentals: in-person support 8 am - 4 pm
Contact us 262-548-7801 | [email protected]

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