Items containing mercury should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste drop-off site.
Wearing gloves, scoop up the mercury using an index card or stiff paper edge.
Place it in a zip lock bag or airtight container.
Use a flashlight to locate small mercury beads, which can be removed using an eye dropper or sponge.
If it spills on a rug, cut out the contaminated piece and bag it. Dispose of all clean-up materials along with the mercury in the zip lock bag.
Take it to a Hazardous Waste collection site.
Do not use a vacuum or broom and do not touch. Keep all people and pets away. Turn off fans & heaters.
For a larger spill, call: Spill Report Line 1-800-943-0003
No endorsement of any business is intended.
Fees may apply.
There are no publicly-owned landfills in Waukesha County.
Please contact us if you own a business that would like to be included on this page as a resource.
We reserve the right to only list businesses that meet our program criteria.
Waukesha County Parks & Land Use - Business & Administration
Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm | Monday - Friday (closed holidays)
515 W Moreland Blvd • Room AC 260 | Waukesha WI 53188
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