Listed below are the Trash and Recycling haulers for Waukesha County Partner Communities.
Municipality |
Hauler |
City of Brookfield | GFL |
City of Delafield |
Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
City of New Berlin | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
City of Oconomowoc | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
City of Pewaukee | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
City of Waukesha | Waste Management |
Town of Brookfield | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
Town of Delafield | GFL |
Town of Merton | GFL |
Village of Big Bend | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
Village of Chenequa | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
Village of Dousman | GFL |
Village of Eagle | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
Village of Elm Grove | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
Village of Hartland | GFL |
Village of Lac La Belle | GFL |
Village of Lisbon | GFL |
Village of Merton | Waste Management |
Village of Nashotah | Johns Disposal Services, Inc. |
Village of Oconomowoc Lake | GFL |
Village of Pewaukee | Waste Management |
Village of Summit | GFL |
Village of Vernon | Waste Management |
Village of Wales | Waste Management |
Village of Waukesha | LRS |
Listed below is contact information for communities in Waukesha County that are not part of the recycling program. Please contact your Municipal Hall for Hauler Information.
Municipality |
Municipal Hall |
City of Muskego | (262) 679-4100 |
Town of Eagle | (262) 594-5800 |
Town of Genesee | (262) 968-3656 |
Town of Mukwonago | (262) 363-4555 |
Town of Ottawa | (262) 965-3228 |
Village of Butler | (262) 783-2525 |
Village of Lannon | (262) 251-7690 |
Village of Menomonee Falls | (262) 532-4200 |
Village of Mukwonago | (262) 363-6420 |
Village of North Prairie | (262) 392-2271 |
Village of Sussex | (262) 246-5200 |
Hauler |
Phone Number |
GFL | (262) 367-6040 |
Johns Disposal Services, Inc. | (262) 473-4700 |
Waste Management | (262) 369-3080 or (888) 960-0008 |
LRS | (608) 580-0580 |
There are NO publicly-owned (government) landfills in Waukesha County.
Landfill Name and Operator |
Location |
Phone Number |
Emerald Park - GFL | Muskego | (414) 529-1360 |
Metro-Milwaukee - Waste Management | Franklin | (414) 761-2100 |
Orchard Ridge - Waste Management | Menomonee Falls | (262) 253-8620 |
No endorsement of any business is intended.
Fees may apply.
There are no publicly-owned landfills in Waukesha County.
Please contact us if you own a business that would like to be included on this page as a resource.
We reserve the right to only list businesses that meet our program criteria.
Waukesha County Parks & Land Use - Business & Administration
Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm | Monday - Friday (closed holidays)
515 W Moreland Blvd • Room AC 260 | Waukesha WI 53188
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