Waukesha County

Waukesha County

Office of Emergency Management

Gail Goodchild - Coordinator

Phone: 262-446-5077
Fax: 262-548-7313
Email[email protected]

Grant Deal - Deputy Emergency Mgmt Coordinator
Phone: 262-446-5063
Fax: 262-548-7313
Email[email protected]  

Taylor Williams - Deputy Emergency Mgmt Coordinator
Phone: 262-896-8581
Fax: 262-548-7313
Email: twilliams@waukeshacounty.gov  

Office Hours:

Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Waukesha County Emergency Management Logo

1621 Woodburn Road
Waukesha, WI  53188

           Vision Statement: To enhance community resilience through proactive and collaborative strategic partnerships, fostering a united response to and recovery from emergencies within our county.

Extreme Heat Awareness

Summer heat waves are not only significant weather-related threats in Wisconsin but across the nation, contributing to an estimated 1,300 deaths annually. Stay prepared by understanding the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and effective prevention measures. More information on Extreme Heat and preparedness tips found here.

The image is divided into two sections: Heat Exhaustion (left side, yellow background) and Heat Stroke (right side, red background). Each section lists the symptoms and recommended actions for each condition.  #### Heat Exhaustion (Yellow Section)  **Symptoms:** - Faint or dizzy - Excessive sweating - Cool, pale, clammy skin - Nausea or vomiting - Rapid, weak pulse - Muscle cramps  **Recommended Actions:** - Get to a cooler, air-conditioned place - Drink water if fully conscious - Take a cool shower or use cold compresses  #### Heat Stroke (Red Section)  **Symptoms:** - Throbbing headache - No sweating - Body temperature above 103°F (39.4°C) - Red, hot, dry skin - Nausea or vomiting - Rapid, strong pulse - May lose consciousness  **Recommended Actions:** - **CALL 9-1-1** - Take immediate action to cool the person until help arrives  ### Visual Elements  - A central figure illustrates the affected areas for both conditions: yellow on the left side representing heat exhaustion and red on the right side representing heat stroke. - The figure’s head, torso, arms, and legs are highlighted with corresponding symptoms. - The bottom of the image contrasts the two conditions with corresponding actions in bullet points.  The image aims to educate viewers on recognizing the differences between heat exhaustion and heat stroke and the appropriate emergency responses.

This image is divided into three sections, each with a different color and heading:  ### 1. Pre-Season **Yellow Section** - **Heading:** Start planning before hot weather arrives. - **Checklist:**   - Build an emergency kit   - Make a plan for power outages   - Become trained in first aid for heat-related emergencies   - Check that your A/C and fans are in working order  ### 2. A Few Days Out **Orange Section** - **Heading:** If the forecast calls for extreme heat, be ready. - **Checklist:**   - Gather food, water, and medication   - Make a list of friends and family to check on & help them prepare   - Know your local cooling shelters or other cool locations   - Reschedule outdoor events  ### 3. During and After **Red Section** - **Heading:** Remain vigilant and stay informed. - **Checklist:**   - Stay in air conditioning and out of the sun if possible   - Check on friends, family, neighbors, and pets   - Drink plenty of water   - Take breaks and use a buddy system if working outdoors  ### Bottom of the Image - **Source:** weather.gov - **Logo:** NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) logo in the bottom right corner.   The background features an abstract sun design with rays emanating from the center.

What We Do

The Waukesha County Office of Emergency Management provides a comprehensive and integrated emergency management program designed to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from the effects of natural and technological hazards which impact the welfare, safety and health of all Waukesha County citizens. The office also implements and administers the planning and reporting requirements for hazardous substances used by business, industry and government under the auspices of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. The office also administers the business continuity program for Waukesha County departments.

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