Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Travel Information (Statewide road closures)
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Flood Information - Includes dam updates, assuring the safety of your drinking water and managing debris and waste (including sandbags) after the flood. - Flood Inundation Maps - New interactive maps can help you predict when your property may flood.
National Weather Service – Flood Safety Tips and Resources
Major floods in Wisconsin tend to occur either in spring when melting snow adds to normal runoff or in summer or early fall after intense rainfalls. Flooding can occur after a slow build-up of water causes a river or stream to overflow its banks, or it can occur very rapidly with little notice. Floods can cause loss of life and severe damage to homes, buildings, crops, and roads.
Flood Insurance
Owners of homes in flood prone areas should purchase flood insurance protection for their homes through an insurance agent. Buying flood insurance to cover the value of a building and its contents will not only provide greater peace of mind, but will also speed recovery if a flood occurs. You can call 1-800-427-4661 to learn more about flood insurance or visit FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program page.
Remember: Anyone can purchase Flood insurance, you do not need to be in a Flood Plain and Home Owner’s Insurance does not typically cover flood insurance.
No home is completely safe from potential flooding. Flood insurance can be the difference between recovering and being financially devastated. Just one inch of water in a home can cost more than $25,000 in damage. Homeowners and renters insurance does not typically cover flood damage. More than 20 percent of flood claims come from properties outside high-risk flood zones. Flood insurance can pay regardless of whether or not there is a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
If your home is damaged during a flood, you need to be concerned with the structural integrity of the home, electrical safety, food safety, removal and prevention of mold and mildew, and removal and replacement of your home’s damaged contents. You should contact your insurance agent to discuss claims and listen to local media outlets for information about assistance the federal or state government or other organizations may be offering.
Basic Safety Tips for Clean-up
Ready Wisconsin Flooding Information
The Red Cross’s Flood Safety page provides detailed information about flood safety, supplies, insurance, and cleanup.
The EPA offers a poster and more detailed booklet in English and Spanish that give simple instructions for safely cleaning your home after a flood.
For more information on flood insurance please visit FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program page.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services link to Flood Hazards and Recovery
The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer more good information on Flood Safety and Preparedness.
UW-Extension recommendations on Safely Using Produce from Flooded Gardens.