Testing for radon is easy and should take only a few minutes of your time. The amount of radon in the air is measured in picocuries per liter. The two types of radon testing kits most commonly used are the short-term charcoal canister and the alpha track kit.
The short-term charcoal canister can be exposed to air for several days then sent to a testing laboratory for analysis. This charcoal canister is good for determining the radon level and can be used to quickly identify homes with very high radon levels. Since radon levels can very from day to day, the charcoal canister is recommended only as a screening test.
The alpha track radon test kit is the most common type of kit used for long-term testing. It can be exposed to air for 90 days or more. Because radon levels within the home can vary from day to day, testing over an extended period of time will provide a test result that is more representative of the radon gas concentrations found within the home.
Waukesha County Environmental Health
515 W. Moreland Blvd • AC 260
Waukesha WI 53188 (directions)
Hours Monday - Friday • 8 am - 4:30 pm (closed holidays)
Contact us
E-mail | Phone 262-896-8300 | Fax 262-896-8298
Visit us in person in room AC 260