Scanning completed by Public Health Staff
Public Health staff will be scanning insurance cards at the admission desks
Scanning completed by Centralized Records Staff
Public Health Staff Responsibilities:
All forms that need to be scanned must have the following on them:
Before placing the forms in the basket for Centralized Records staff to pick up, make sure all documents are sorted by client in alphabetical order and must be in chronological order.
Multiple pages for the same client must be paper-clipped together with a scanning cover sheet attached.
All forms must have a scanning cover sheet attached to it
All staples must be removed
Centralized Records Staff Responsibilities:
Centralized Records staff will pick up the previous day’s documents to be scanned by 9 am each business day.
The Centralized Records staff will double check the documents for patient identifiers and proper page orientation
The Centralized Records staff will double check the documents to ensure that all staples and paper clips are removed
The documents will be scanned in the Centralized Records Department using the multi-function devices.
The scanned documents will be saved to the secure folder on the N: Drive at the following location: N:\HHS\Public Health\Scanned Documents\Medical Records - Public Health
Centralized Records staff will ensure that each scanned document is reviewed for completeness, clarity and usability.
After that day’s documents have been scanned, indexed and reviewed for accuracy, Centralized Records staff will return the documents to the binder in Public Health.
These documents will need to be retained sixty (60) days from date of service. After that time, they can be shredded.