Waukesha County

The bLog Book

Welcome to the Waukesha County Airport (b)Log Book! If you’re looking for practical and helpful advice on how to leverage corporate aviation to improve your travel experience, begin booking a charter flight, fulfill your dream of earning your wings, or join and engage with other professionals in the exciting field of aviation, we’re here to help!

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Flight Path: Air Traffic Controller


The aviation industry is coping with shortages in virtually every area, including air traffic control. We recently sat down with Pewaukee native and current Waukesha County Airport tower chief, Beau Seabourn, an Air Traffic Manager with Midwest Air Traffic Control, Inc., about his journey to become an air traffic controller, what concerns and encourages him about the future of aviation and his advice for those looking to enter the aviation industry. [Read More]


Top Three Things to Look for in a Flight School

Whether you took a few classes years ago and you’re looking to finally complete your flight training, or you’re just embarking on your journey to earn your wings, finding the right flight school to help you meet your needs and goals is essential. When the average time to earn your private pilot’s certificate takes between 6 to 12 months, and costs approximately $6,000-$10,000 it’s important to do your research and ask good questions before making your investment. [Read More]

Flight Path: Commercial Airline Pilot

Gary Johnson in BoeingThe impending global pilot shortage has captured the attention of the aviation industry and encouraging companies to explore different avenues to efficiently and effectively recruit and train future pilots. We recently sat down with Milwaukee-area native, Gary Johnson, a long-time Captain with American Airlines to find out what inspired him to become a commercial airline pilot, what concerns and excited him about the future of aviation and his words of wisdom to anyone looking at a career in aviation. [Read More

Aircraft Management Services: An Incubator for Corporate Aviation

If your organization is longing to leverage corporate aviation to meet the business travel needs of your executives, managers and employees but you’re not quite ready to create a stand-alone flight department, aircraft management companies put business aviation within reach for scores of businesses because of their expertise and ability to manage all the aspects of private aircraft ownership. Let’s explore how working with an aircraft management group can get you closer to reaping the benefits of private air travel. [Read More]

2017 Business Aviation Trends

In the high-flying world of aviation, moving forward is a constant and when it comes to business aviation, things tend to move even faster and with more precision than ever before. As a result, we’re sharing the business aviation trends for 2017 that have not only caught our attention, but those that we believe will have the greatest impact on the industry overall. [Read More]

Earning Your Wings is Within Reach

Whether you’ve always wanted to become a pilot or you’ve recently been intrigued by the wild blue yonder, there are several options and opportunities available to help you realize your dream of flight. [Read More]

Flying Club Profile: Wisconsin Fox River Flyers

The cost of aircraft ownership is a hurdle that keeps many who long to explore the wild blue yonder on the ground, but aviation enthusiast groups often provide a welcome resource for people wanting to take to the skies. The Wisconsin Fox River Flyers (WFRF) is a non-profit/non-stock enthusiast group – based at the Waukesha County Airport – that provides its members with social and educational aspects for aircraft usage, along with the lowest cost of flight possible. [Read More]

Do You Need Training Before Flying Your Drone?

Since the advent of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS or “drones”), many businesses – including surveying, real estate, photography, construction, security and inspection, to name a few – have longed to leverage the many benefits that drones provide. [Read More]

5 Aviation Trends to Watch in 2019


Finding new and better ways to serve the public by connecting people and businesses is an ongoing quest in the world of aviation. As we begin 2019, we’ve taken a look at the trends driving the aviation industry and have identified these as ones that stand to have the most impact in the year ahead.[Read More]

Flight Path: Aviation Volunteer

Jim Brown Aviation Volunteer EAAAviation events like EAA’s annual AirVenture and other airshows and fly-ins offer a great way for aviators and enthusiasts to share their love of flight, but these events are often powered by volunteers who get involved for a variety of reasons. We recently sat down with Waukesha-area native, Jim Brown, a long-time volunteer with EAA, to find out what inspired him to become a volunteer, what concerns and excites him about the future of aviation and his words of wisdom to anyone looking at volunteering or pursuing a career in aviation. [Read More]

Aircraft Hangar Options: Which One is Right for You?

One of the most important elements to consider when it comes to aircraft ownership – whether it’s a personal plane or corporate jet – is how and where to store it. Like most aviation enthusiasts and corporate flight department managers, you know that safe and proper aircraft storage is essential to protect your investment, but do you know about all the options currently available? More important, is there a better hangar option (or location) that could best meet your needs? [Read More]

New Year's Resolutions for Aviation Enthusiasts

At the start of each new year, 41% of Americans commit to resolutions with the intention of making changes in their lives that will result in losing weight, eating healthier, improving their lives, finding love – the list goes on and on. To join in on the excitement, we’ve developed our own list of new year’s resolutions for aviation enthusiasts. [Read More]

The Value of Business Aviation

As the president and CEO of Cimphoni, a rapidly growing IT consulting firm serving Fortune 1000 companies throughout the United States, traveling to meet with clients and members of his team is a constant for Rick Davidson. [Read More]

Common Misconceptions of Business Aviation

In working with several regional businesses through their initial stages of exploring business aviation, we’ve encountered several myths and misconceptions held by individuals at all levels within organizations. Whether you’re in the early phases of exploring corporate aviation to meet your business travel needs, or you need some additional proof to help you build a strong and compelling case, we’re here to help set the record straight on many common misconceptions we hear. [Read More]

Beginner's Guide to Booking Charter Flights

Whether you’ve been tasked with scheduling a last-minute trip for several members from your management team to deal with an issue in a remote location, bringing a prospective customer to your facility for a product demonstration, or minimizing the inconveniences felt by your business travelers due to the inflexible schedules and mounting delays experienced via commercial travel, leveraging corporate aviation may be just the ticket to help you and your business. [Read More

10 Tips to Boost the Quality of Your Business Travel

By the end of this year, an estimated 480.5 million business trips will occur in the U.S., contributing approximately $275 billion directly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). [Read More]

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