Waukesha County

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Enrolled Ordinance County Board Date Title  County Executive Approval
169-1   05-27-2014    Authorizing the Sale of $10,000,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2014 (169-O-021) 05-29-2014  
 169-2 05-27-2014 

Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance District Zoning Map of the Town of Eagle and the District Zoning Map of The Town of Eagle Zoning Map of the Town of Eagle Zoning Ordinance by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located In Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 25, T5N, R17E, Town of Eagle, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the B-2 Local Business District to the B-3 General Business District (SZT-1775) (169-O-001)

169-3  05-27-2014 

Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Merton Zoning Code By Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 19, T8N, R18E, Town of Merton, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the R-1 Residential District to the B-2 Local Business District (ZT-1779) (169-O-002)

169-4  05-27-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Merton Zoning Code by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NW 1/4 of and NE 1/4 of Section 35, T8N, R18E, Town of Merton, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the R-2 Residential and C-1 Conservancy Districts to the B-2 Local Business District (ZT-1780) (169-O-003)  06-02-2014 
169-5 05-27-2014   Amend the Text of the Town of Brookfield Zoning Code by Repealing and Recreating Section 17.04(20(a) Regarding the List of Zoning Districts where Planned Unit Developments Can be Considered as Zoning Overlays (ZT-1748) (169-O-004)  06-02-2014 
169-6  05-27-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Brookfield Zoning Code by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SW 1/4 of Section 29, T7N, R20E, Town of Brookfield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the MU-1 Mixed-Use District to the MU-1 Mixed-Use District with a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District (ZT-1781) (169-O-005)  06-02-2014 
169-7  05-27-2014   Amend the Text of the Town of Mukwonago Zoning Ordinance by Amending Section 82 Regarding Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities and Amending Sections 82-22 and 82-32 and Creating Section 82-34 to Create a Special Exception Process for the Expansion of Legal Nonconforming Buildings in Offset Areas (ZT-1776) (169-O-006)  06-02-2014 
169-8  05-27-2014   Accept Additional Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program Funds for the 2014 Program Year, Modify the 2014 Budget, and Authorize the Execution of Agreements for the Programs (169-O-007)  06-02-2014 
169-9  05-27-2014   Sale of Excess Right of Way - 5510 Racine Avenue, City of New Berlin (169-O-008)  06-02-2014 
169-10  05-27-2014   Sale of Excess Right of Way - 5565 Racine Avenue, City of New Berlin (169-O-009)  06-02-2014 
169-11  05-27-2014   Laying Out, Relocation and Improvement of County Trunk Highway CW, Waukesha County Project, Project I.D. 2949-00-00/Capital Project #200810, Waukesha County Limits to 1,661 Feet East of Amber Lane, Town of Oconomowoc, Waukesha County (169-O-010)  06-02-2014
169-12  05-27-2014   Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Waukesha County Housing Authority and the City of Waukesha Housing Authority for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (169-O-011)  06-02-2014 
169-13  05-27-2014   Authorize Waukesha County UW-Extension Office to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Sheriff's Department for the Huber Garden Project (169-O-012)  06-02-2014 
169-14  05-27-2014   Accept Donated Equipment from the Waukesha County Sheriff's Citizen Academy Alumni Association (169-O-013)  06-02-2014 
169-15  05-27-2014   Accept Joint Federal Justice Assistance Grant and Modify Waukesha County Sheriff Department's 2014 Budget to Authorize Grant Expenditures (169-O-014)  06-02-2014 
169-16  05-27-2014   Amend the Sheriff's Department 2014 Budget for the Expenditure of Office of National Drug Control Policy Cooperative Agreement Funds (169-O-015)  06-02-2014 
169-17  05-27-2014   Amend the 2014 Sheriff's Department Budget for the Expenditure of Seized Funds for Multiple Purchases May 2014 (169-O-016)  06-02-2014 
169-18  05-27-2014   Appropriate Radio Replacement Dollars to Purchase Replacement Radios for Digital Radio Upgrade Project and Modify Waukesha County Radio Services 2014 Budget to Authorize Expenditures (169-O-017)  06-02-2014 
169-19  05-27-2014   Reauthorize the Use of the Secure and Non-secure Detention Facilities for the Short-Term Detention of Juveniles (169-O-018)  06-02-2014 
169-20  05-27-2014   Accept Wisconsin Department of Health Services Dementia Grant Funding and Modify the 2014 Health and Human Services Againg and Disability Resource Center Division Budget (169-O-019)  06-02-2014 
169-21  05-27-2014   Modify the 2014 Health and Human Services Budget to Accept Additional Revenue and Expenditures Related to the Children with Special Needs Program and Create Two Positions (169-O-020)  06-02-2014 
169-22  06-24-2014 

Approve Land Use Permit to Whispering Ridge Owners Association, Inc. to Construct, Operate, Repair and Maintain A Trail Connection to the Bugline Trail (169-O-022)

169-23  06-24-2014  Amend the Text of the Town of Delafield Zoning Code to Create Section 17.05 5.AQ. and Repeal Section 17.06 4.H.3.a. of the Town of Delafield Zoning Code to Amend Solar Energy Systems (ZT-1783) (169-O-023)  07-01-2014 
169-24  06-24-2014   Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Fllodland Protection Ordinance to Create Section 4(g)(22)(E) Which Provides for An Urban Form Planned Unit Development conditional Use Option (SZ-14591) (169-O-024)  07-01-2014 
169-25  06-24-2014   Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance District Zoning Map of the Town of Oconomowoc by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the E 1/2 of Section 36, T8N, R17E, Town of Oconomowoc, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the C-1 Conservancy District to the R-3 Residential District (SZ-1769) (169-O-025)  07-01-2014 
169-26 06-24-2014   Amend the Text of the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance to Create a DSO Delafield Shoreland Overlay District (SZ-1787) (169-O-026)  07-01-2014 
169-27  06-24-2014   Adopt a Revised District Zoning Map of the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance for the Town of Delafield to Incorporate the DSO Delafield Shoreland Overlay District (SZ-1787A) (169-O-027)  07-01-2014 
169-28  06-24-2014   Repeal and Recreate Subsections 7-91 (b) 3 and 4 of the Waukesha County Code of Ordinances to Increase the Dollar Threshold Regarding Noncash Donations that Must be presented to the Waukesha County Board for Acceptance (169-O-029)  07-01-2014 
169-29  07-22-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Lisbon Zoning Code By Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11, T8N, R19E, Town of Lisbon,Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-10 Agricultural District to the RD-5 Rural Residential Density 5-Acre District (ZT-1778)(169-O-030)  07-24-2014 
169-30  07-22-2014   Amend the Text of the Town of Mukwonago Zoning Code to Modify Various Zoning Provisions (ZT-1784) (169-O-031)  07-24-2014 
169-31  07-22-2014  Amend the Text of the Town of Delafield Zoning Code to Repeal and Recreate Section 17.04 5.N.5.d. to Amend Open Space Requirements In the P-1 Park and Recreation District (ZT-1788) (169-O-032)  07-24-2014 
169-32  07-22-2014   Approve Friends of Retzer Nature Center 2014/2015 Retzer Nature Center Event Presenting Sponsorship Agreement (169-0-033)  07-24-2014  
169-33  07-22-2014   Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement Between Waukesha County and Municipalities for Recycling Containers and Material Hauling (169-O-034)  07-24-2014  
169-34  07-22-2014   Approve Parking Regulation on County Trunk Highway SS (169-O-028)  07-24-2014  
169-35  07-22-2014   Modify Speed Zone on County Trunk Highway BB (169-O-035)  07-24-2014  
169-36  07-22-2014   Modify the 2014 Transportation Fund Budget for Performance Based Maintenance (160-O-039)  07-24-2014  
169-37  07-22-2014   Modify 2014 Capital Budget for Airport Capital Project 200704 to Modify the Project Scope and Increase the Capital Project Budget (169-O-036)  07-24-2014  
169-38  07-22-2014   Expenditure of Seized Funds - Amend the 2014 Sheriff's Department Budget for Multiple Purchases - July 2014 (169-O-037)  07-24-2014  
169-39  07-22-2014   Amend the Sheriff's Department 2014 Budget for the Expenditure of Office of National Drug Control Policy Cooperative Agreement Funds for Nasal Naloxone (169-O-038)  07-24-2014  
169-40  08-26-2014   Execute Subgrantee Agreements and HUD Grant Agreement for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Programs for the 2015 Program Year (169-O-040)  08-27-2014 
169-41  08-26-2014   Approve A Distribution Easement to Wisconsin Electric Power Company for Underground Utility Service (169-O-041)  08-27-2014 
169-42  08-26-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of theTown of Waukesha Zoning Code By Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 14, T6N, R19E, Town of Waukesha, Waukesha County Wisconsin, from the R-1 Single Family Residence and C-1 Conservancy Districts to the P-1 Park, Recreation and Public and C-1 Conservancy Districts (ZT-1764) (169-O-042)  08-27-2014 
169-43  08-26-2014   Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance District Zoning Map of theTown of Merton by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NW 1/4 of Section 31, T8N, R18E, Town of Merton, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the R-1 Residential District to the R-3 Residential District (SZ-1785) (169-O-043)  08-27-2014 
169-44  08-26-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Brookfield Zoning Code by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 30, T7N, R20e, Town of Brookfield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the B-3 Office and Professional Business District to the B-2 Limited General Business District (ZT-1789)(169-O-044)  08-27-2014 
169-45  08-26-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Delafield Zoning Code by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 11, T7N, R18E, Town of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-2 Rural Home District with a C-1 Conservancy Overlay District ot the R-1 Residential District with a C-1 Conservancy Overlay District (ZT-1790) (169-O-045)  08-27-2014 
169-46  08-26-2014   Amend the Waukesha County Zoning Code by Repealing and Recreating Section 6.7 Relative to Environmental Corridor Regulations, Section 2.02(331) and 2.02(32) Relative to EC Definitions, Sections 3.08(7)(B), 3.08(7)(KK), 3.08(7)(P)(2)(a), 3.08(7)(P)(2)(b) and 3.08(7)(P)(2)(g) Relative to Conditional Uses as they Relate to the EC District and Sections 9.04(1)(B) and Section 9.04(1)(B) and Section 9a.04(1)(B) Relative to Floor Area Ratio in the R-1 and R-1a Residential Districts (CZ-1459H) (169-O-046)  08-27-2014 
169-47  08-26-2014   Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Section 9 Relative to EC Environmental Corridor District Regulations and Sections 2(b)(48) and 2(b)(49) Environmental Corridor Definitions (SZ-1459J) (169-O-047)  08-27-2014 
169-48  08-26-2014   Amend theText of the Town of Delafield Zoning Code to Repeal and Recreate Section 17.05 5.AM.2.d. (6) Relating to Conditions Under Which Residential Planned Unit Developments Are Permitted (ZT-1792)(169-O-048)  08-27-2014 
169-49  08-26-2014   Amend Section 11-8(c) of the Waukesha County Code of Ordinances Regarding the Library Tax Levy Distribution Formula (169-O-050)  08-27-2014 
169-50  08-26-2014   Employee Retention/Severance Salary and Benefits for 2015(169-O-051)  08-27-2014 
169-51  09-23-2014  Year 2014 Approval of Amendment to the Comprehensive Development Plan for Waukesha County (Cyrus Peterson, Section 13, T8N, R17E, Town of Oconomowoc (169-O-052)  09-25-2014 
169-52  09-23-2014  Amend the District Zoning Map of the Waukesha County Zoning Code for the Town of Oconomowoc by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 13, T8N, R17E, Town of Oconomowoc, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-T Agricultural Land Preservation Transition District to the A-3 Suburban Estate District (SCZ-1791) (169-O-053)  09-25-2014 
169-53  09-23-2014  Amend the District Zoning Map of the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance and the WaukeshaCounty Zoning Code for the Town of Genesee by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NW 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of Section 27, T6N, R18E, Town of Genesee, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the R-2 Residential District to the R-3 Residential District (SCZ-1786) (169-O-054)  09-25-2014 
169-54  09-23-2014  Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance to Adopt FEMA Floodplain Mapping and Studies by Reference and Amend Various Floodplain Provisions to Comply with FEMA Regulations (SZ-1793) (169-O-055)  09-25-2014 
169-55  09-23-2014  Authorize One-Time Adjustment to Library Tax Levy Distribution Formula for 2015 Budget Year Pursuant to County Code of Ordinances Section 11-8(c) to Address the Dissolution of the Sussex-Lisbon Library Agreement (169-O-056)  09-25-2014 
169-56  09-23-2014  Approve Agreement with Walworth County for Waukesha County Medical Examiner Office to Provide Contract Medical Examiner Services and Appropriate 2014 Contract Revenue (169-O-057)  09-25-2014 
169-57  09-23-2014  Accept State of Wisconsin Department of Justice Grant and Modify Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services' 2014 Budget to Authorize Grant Expenditures (169-O-058)  09-25-2014 
169-58  10-28-2014  Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Mukwonago Zoning Code by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in part of the N 1/2 of Section 18, T5N, R18E, Town of Mukwonago, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-1 Agricultural District to the R-1 Residential District (ZT-1794)(169-O-059)  10-31-2014  
169-59  10-28-2014  Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Brookfield Zoning Code by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NW 1/ 4 of Section 31, T7N, R20E, Town of Brookfield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the B-3 Office and Professional Business District to the B-2 Limited General Business District (ZT-1796) (169-O-060)  10-31-2014  
169-60  10-28-2014  Laying Out, Relocation and Improvement of County Trunk Highway JJ, Waukesha County Project, Project I.D. 2758-01-00, Intersections with CTH J and CTH SR, City of Waukesha, City of Pewaukee, Town of Brookfield, Waukesha County (169-O-062)  10-31-2014  
169-61  10-28-2014  Approve Agreement with Washington County for Waukesha County Medical Examiner Office to Provide Contract Medical Examiner Services (169-O-065)  10-31-2014  
169-62  10-28-2014  Approve 2015 Position Changes through Creation, Abolishment, Reclassification, and Equity Adjustment (169-O-066)  10-31-2014  
169-63  10-28-2014  Modifications to Health Insurance to Comply with the Affordable Care Act (169-O-067)  10-31-2014  
169-64  10-28-2014  Sale of County Property (MSKC2190005) - Simandl Street Lot in the City of Muskego (169-O-068)  10-31-2014  
169-65  10-28-2014  Cancel 2011 Unredeemed Checks Issued by County Treasurer (169-O-069)  10-31-2014  
169-66  11-12-2014   Adopt 2015 Waukesha County Budget (169-O-070) Adopted as Two Times Amended  11-17-2014
169-67  11-12-2014   Repeal and Recreate Section 7-96 of the County Code to Change the Benefits For the County Board Chairperson to be Identical as Other County Board Supervisors and to set the Salary for the County Board Chairperson to be elected at the Next Organizational Meeting (169-O-064)  11-17-2014 
169-68  11-25-2014   Amend the Text of the Town of Mukwonago Zoning Code to Create Subsection 82-21(d)(35) to Create A Conditional Use Option for Firearms Sales When Accessory to A Residential Use (ZT-1795) (169-O-071)  12-02-2014 
169-69  11-25-2014   Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Delafield Zoning Code by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NW 1/4 of Section 28,T7N, R18E, Town of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-3 Suburban Home District to the R-1 Residential District (ZT-1797) (169-O-072)  12-02-2014 
169-70  11-25-2014    Amend the Text of the Town of Mukwonago Zoning Code to Repeal and Recreate Sections 82-21(d)(12) And 82-27(c) and Create Section 82-21(d)(12A) Relating to the Parking of Commercial Vehicles and Buses (ZT-1799)(169-O-073)  12-02-2014 
169-71  11-25-2014    Amend the District Zoning Map of theTown of Lisbon Zoning Code by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the NW 1/4 of Section 28,T8N, R19E, Town of Lisbon, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-5 Mini Farm District to the R-2 Single Family Residential District (ZT-1800)(169-O-074)  12-02-2014 
169-72  11-25-2014    Sale of County Property Lands Adjacent to the County Highway Nashotah Substation Village of Nashotah (169-O-075)  12-02-2014 
169-73  11-25-2014    Accept Homeland Security-Urban Area Security Initiative FFY 2014 Program Funding and Modify the Emergency Preparedness 2014 Budget to Appropriate Grant Revenues and Expenditures for the Public Private Partnership Workshop Grant (169-O-076)  12-03-2014
169-74  11-25-2014    Authorize the Waukesha County Sheriff's Department to Contract with the City of Pewaukee to Provide Police Services (169-O-077)  12-02-2014
169-75  11-25-2014    Approval of Compromise Settlement Agreement for Workers Compensation (Schlei, Kerry vs. Waukesha County) (169-O-078)  12-02-2014
169-76  12-26-2014    Amend the District Zoning Map of the Town of Eagle Zoning Ordinance by Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 23, T5N, R17E, Town of Eagle, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, From the C-1 Conservancy District to the R-1 Residential District (ZT-1801) (169-O-079)  12-22-2014 
169-77  12-26-2014     Amend the Waukesha County Shoreland and Floodland Protection Ordinance District Zoning Map of the Town of Delafield by Conditionally Rezoning Certain Lands Located in Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 23 and Part of the S 1/2 of Section 24, T7N, R18E, Town of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, from the A-1 Agricultural District to the B-P Mixed Use Business Park District (SZ-1798) (169-O-080)  12-22-2014 
169-78 12-26-2014     Amend the Town of Vernon District Zoning Map of the Waukesha County Zoning Code by Revising the Previously Imposed B-3 General Business District Conditions of Approval. The Rezoning Pertains to Multiple Properties Fronting Upon Enterprise Drive, Located in part of the SW 1/4 of Section 1,T5N, R19E, Town of Vernon (CZ-0972D) (169-O-081)  12-22-2014 
169-79  12-26-2014     Approve Easement to St. Anthony Congregation For Two Driveways and Sanitary Sewer Lateral Across Waukesha County Lake Country Trail (169-O-082)  12-22-2014 
169-80  12-26-2014    

Approve Wright Property Acquisition and Donation (169-O-083)

169-81  12-26-2014     Laying Out, Relocation and Improvement of County Trunk Highway P, Waukesha County Project, Project I.D. 2714-04-00, Bark River Bridge and Approaches, Village of Summit, Waukesha County (169-O-084)  12-22-2014 
169-82  12-26-2014     Modify Speed zones on County Trunk Highway KF and County Trunk Highway JK (169-O-085)  12-22-2014 
169-83  12-26-2014     Modify the 2014 Department of Public Works, Central Fleet Division Budget, To Appropriate Additional Revenues and Expenditures (169-O-086)  12-22-2014 
169-84  12-26-2014     Modify the 2014 Budget of the Department of Public Works, Airport Division, to Appropriate Additional Revenues and Expenditures to the 2014 Airport Operating Budget (169-O-087)  12-22-2014 
169-85  12-26-2014     Modify the Transportation Fund 2014 Budget for Additional Year End State and County Highway Maintenance Work (169-O-088)  12-22-2014 
169-86  12-26-2014     Designation of County Highways on which Statutory Weight Limits of Sec. 348.15(3)(g), Wis. Stats., Apply to Category B Implements of Husbandry and Creation of Section 15-82(d) of the Waukesha County Code (169-O-089)  12-22-2014 
169-87  12-26-2014     Modify the Medical Examiner's 2014 Budget to Appropriate Additional Revenues and Expenditures (169-O-091)  12-22-2014 
169-88  12-26-2014     Approve Amendment to Old Health and Human Services Building Smokestack Cellular Tower Lease (169-O-090)  12-22-2014 
169-89  12-26-2014     Approve 2015 Salary and Benefit Modifications for Non-Represented Employees (169-O-092)  12-22-2014 
169-90  02-24-2015   Amend the Text of theTown of Brookfield Zoning Code by Repealing Section 17.04(20) and Creating Section 17.02(14)(b)9 to Create a New Compact Development Form Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Option (ZT-1802)(169-O-093)  03-02-2015 
169-91  02-24-2015   Laying Out, Relocation and Improvement of County Trunkk Highway JJ, Waukesha County Project, Project I.D. 2758-04-00, CTH JJ Intersection with Silvernail Road, City of Waukesha, Waukesha County (169-O-094)  03-02-2015  
169-92  02-24-2015   Reauthorize the Waukesha County Small Business Leverage Loan Program (169-O-095) AS AMENDED  03-02-2015  
169-93  02-24-2015   Amend the 2015 Sheriff's Department Budget For the Expenditure of Seized Funds to Participating Agencies in February 2015 (169-O-096)  03-02-2015  
169-94  02-24-2015   Modify the 2015 Health and Human Services Budget to Include Additional Revenue and Expenditures Related to the Economic Support Service Unit (169-O-097)  03-02-2015  
169-95  02-24-2015   Transfer Carryover Funds From 2014 Unexpended Appropriations to 2015 Budgeted Appropriations (169-O-098)  03-02-2015  
169-96  03-24-2015   Laying Out, Relocation and Improvement of County Trunk Highway I, Waukesha County Project, Project I.D. 14-2779 (17), C.T.H. "I" Intersection With C.T.H. "Y", City of New Berlin, Waukesha County (169-O-099)  04-01-2015 
169-97  03-24-2015   Amendment of Collaborative Materials Recycling Facility ("MRF") Capital Project 201409 Relating to Transfer Station and Additional Construction Costs (169-O-100)  04-01-2015 
169-98  03-24-2015   Expenditure of Seized Funds - Amend the 2015 Sheriff's Department Budget for Multiple Purchase, March 2015 (169-O-101)  04-01-2015 
169-99  03-24-2015   Accept 2011 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Crisis Intervention Team and Crisis Intervention Partners (CIT/CIP) Training Grant Awarded Through the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) And Modify Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services - Criminal Justice Collaborating Council 2015 Budget to Authorize Grant Expenditures (169-O-102)  04-01-2015 
169-100  03-24-2015   Authorize the Issuance of not to Exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes for Capital Projects (169-O-103)  04-01-2015 


Enrolled Resolution County Board Date Title County Executive Approval
ER169-1 05-27-2014 Resolution to Support Receipt of Funding Grant From WisDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) for the Waukesha to Brookfield Connector Bicycle-Pedestrian Facility Project (169-R-001) 07-01-2014
ER169-2  05-27-2014 Support the Implementation of a Contracted Solution for the Provision of Non-Secure Residential Care Services for Juveniles in the 2015 Proposed Budget (169-R-002) 07-01-2014
ER169-3 05-27-2014 Amend the Regional Water Quality Management Plan for the Village of Hartland and Lake Pewaukee Sanitary District, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (169-R-003) 08-27-2014
ER169-4 05-27-2014

Adopt Five-Year Capital Projects Plan (169-R-004)

ER169-5 05-27-2014

Amend the Regional Water Quality Management Plan for the Village of Menomonee Falls, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (169-R-005)

ER169-6 05-27-2015

Process For Determining the Disposition of the Historic Health and Human Services Building (169-R-006)


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