Frequently Asked Questions
What areas are in the County's zoning jurisdiction?
The County's jurisdictional area includes all of the Town of Oconomowoc and all of the Town of Ottawa, as well as the Shoreland and/or Floodland areas (1,000 feet from a lake or pond and/or 300 feet from any other navigable body of water - streams, ditches, etc, or the floodplain whichever is greater) of the Towns of Brookfield, Delafield, Eagle, Genesee,Merton and Mukwonago. The County's zoning jurisdiction does not include cities or villages. You should contact the appropriate municipality for their zoning requirements Municipal Contacts. If you have a question as to whether or not your property is within the County's zoning jurisdiction, please contact the Planner of the Day at [email protected] or (262) 548-7790 with your tax key number and we will assist you.
Mailing Address: 515 W. Moreland Blvd. Room AC 230, Waukesha, WI 53188
Reception Desk: Room AC260
Phone: (262) 548-7790
For general information, please contact the Planner of the Day