If You Are Opening a Food Establishment
Learn about:
Guidelines for Food Establishments
Food Licensing and Plan Review Flow Chart
Licensing Fees
You must pay a licensing fee to get an annual food license. The fee is based on food handling complexity. There is also a one-time pre-inspection fee which covers:
The cost of reviewing plans
How To Get a Food License
Zoning & Taxes:
ATCP 75 Appendix
Certified Food Protection Manager Information
Do I need a Certified Food Protection Manager?
Fire Guidance
Food and Equipment Discard and Salvage Chart
Food Code Fact Sheets
Food Licensing and Plan Review Flow Chart
Guidelines of Food Establishments
Licensing Readiness Checklist - After Plan Review
Licensing Readiness Checklist - Change of Operator
Proper Disposal of Contaminated Food
Reinspection Fact Sheet
Requirements to Resume Normal Operations
Self Inspection Checklist
Want to know how your favorite food or recreational facility handles safety? You can read our inspection reports. These reports tell you the conditions we saw at the time of inspection. Reports may not reflect corrective actions the establishment made, or the current condition.
Report a Concern:
It is our goal to provide a better and safer community for everyone. Our online form is the quickest, most efficient way to notify us of your concern. Your submission will be automatically routed to the appropriate Environmental Health Sanitarian in our Department. You may receive future communication requesting additional information as needed. If your contact information is provided, the Environmental Health Sanitarian will contact you with their findings. Please click on the button below or scan the QR code to submit your concern: