Waukesha County


Safe Disposal Options for all Waukesha County Residents:

Empty Non-Hazardous Aerosols:

Only empty aerosol cans that contained a non-hazardous product (shaving cream, cooking sprays, hair spray, whipped cream, etc.) may be recycled in your household collection bin.

Non-Hazardous Aerosols That Contain Product:

Nonhazardous aerosols, such as hairspray, that still contain product should be disposed in the trash.

Hazardous Aerosols That Contain Product:

Aerosol cans that still contain a product considered to be hazardous waste (e.g. oil-based paint, WD-40, or solvent-based products) or other types of paint should be taken to a hazardous waste site. If an aerosol paint container still holds a small amount of paint, empty it on newspaper or piece of cardboard. Empty cans that once contained hazardous waste should be disposed in the trash.

Aerosol cans are very expensive to dispose of through the household hazardous waste program. Please consider quantity and type of product when purchasing.

No endorsement of any business is intended. 
Fees may apply.
There are no publicly-owned landfills in Waukesha County.

Please contact us if you own a business that would like to be included on this page as a resource.
We reserve the right to only list businesses that meet our program criteria.

Waukesha County Parks & Land Use - Business & Administration
Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm | Monday - Friday (closed holidays)
515 W Moreland Blvd • Room AC 260 | Waukesha WI 53188
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