When buying paint, estimate how much you will need for your project. The average coverage rate is 400 to 450 sq ft per gallon.
Safe Disposal for all Waukesha County Residents:
Dry out the paint. To speed up the drying process you can use:
Throw it away when it is dry.
Latex paint is not accepted at the county's hazardous waste site. It is water soluble and not considered a hazardous material.
Waukesha City Drop-Off Site (City of Waukesha Residents Only)
750 Sentry Dr., Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186
(262) 524-3600
No endorsement of any business is intended.
Fees may apply.
There are no publicly-owned landfills in Waukesha County.
Please contact us if you own a business that would like to be included on this page as a resource.
We reserve the right to only list businesses that meet our program criteria.
Waukesha County Parks & Land Use - Business & Administration
Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm | Monday - Friday (closed holidays)
515 W Moreland Blvd • Room AC 260 | Waukesha WI 53188
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