Waukesha County

FAQs on Naloxone

What types of Naloxone are available at the Waukesha County trainings?Nasal and/or Intramuscular formulations of Naloxone are offered.

Is Narcan the same as Naloxone?
Narcan is a brand name for Naloxone, the medication used for opioid overdose reversal.

When does Naloxone expire?
Naloxone has a shelf life of approximately 36 months from the expiration date on the box. Do not throw your expired Naloxone in the trash or flush it down the drain. It is OK to give an overdose victim expired Naloxone, if that is all that is available. You may need additional doses as a result of decreased potency. Monitor the victim carefully and use other evidence based approaches, such as rescue breathing and CPR as needed until the person revives or additional medical help arrives. (http://naloxoneinfo.org)

How Do I Replace My Naloxone?
Once you have administered your Naloxone, complete your Field Report and replace your kit as soon as possible.

What types of Naloxone are available at the Waukesha County trainings?

Nasal and/or Intramuscular formulations of Naloxone are offered.

If you need a new Naloxone Kit due to expiration or use: 

Call: 262-896-8061
or Email:[email protected]

If you or someone you know has experienced an opiate overdose and would like to be contacted about opiate overdose prevention education please contact (262)896-8061.